
Hydroelectric Power Stations: A Pillar of the Energy Transition

In our quest for cleaner, more sustainable energy, hydroelectric power stations stand out as a proven and effective solution. These facilities transform the energy of water into electricity, providing a renewable source of power that supplies millions of homes around the world. But how do they work, and what are the different types of hydroelectric power stations?


The magic of hydropower

At the heart of a hydroelectric power station, water flows down from a high height, creating a large amount of kinetic energy. This water is directed towards a turbine, causing it to rotate, and this rotation drives a generator to produce electricity. Once the water has done its job, it is returned to its natural course, ready to start the process all over again. It's a renewable cycle, powered by the natural movement of water.

There are three main types of hydroelectric power stations:

There are three main types of hydroelectric power stations:

  • Run-of-river power stations: These facilities use the natural flow of the river without the need for a large reservoir. They are generally smaller and have less impact on the environment.
  • Reservoir power stations: These use a dam to store water in a reservoir. The water is then released to generate electricity according to demand. These plants can have a greater impact on the environment, but they are also more flexible and can produce more electricity.
  • Pumped storage power stations: These power stations have two reservoirs: one at the top and one at the bottom. When demand for electricity is low, they use electricity to pump water from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir. When demand increases, the water is released to produce electricity.

Hydroelectricity: an asset for the energy transition

  • So why is hydropower so valuable to our energy future? Firstly, it's an infinitely renewable source of energy: as long as the water keeps flowing, we'll be able to generate electricity. Secondly, it's a clean form of energy: generating electricity does not emit greenhouse gases.
  • However, it is important to stress that any hydroelectric project must be carefully planned to minimise its impact on the environment and local communities. Responsible management that respects the environment is crucial to harnessing the power of water in a sustainable way.
  • By adopting hydropower, we have the opportunity to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and take an important step towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

The road to the future

Hydropower is not just an energy source of the past; it is a technology of the future. As technologies and management practices continue to improve, we can expect hydropower plants to become even more efficient and environmentally friendly.
There's no doubt that the transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy is a challenge. But thanks to renewable energy sources like hydropower, this challenge is increasingly achievable. By supporting and promoting the responsible development of hydropower, we can all contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.